5 ways to get more done in a day!

Hello everyone!

Hope you’re all enjoying the warm weather, and spending your days relaxing! 

Today I thought I’d post on something that I know you all can relate. We all have those days we’re we are feeling overwhelmed by how much we need to get done. And the more we try to focus, and get it done, the less productive we end up being. This is why I’ve found 5 tips on how you can get work done, without having the additional stress! Enjoy! xx 


1. Focus on Less work at a time – This one is probably the most important. We’ve all been guilty of trying to cram all our projects in a short period of time, but by doing so we are processing at a slower rate. 


2. Be awake and alert- If you’re  starting with with your tank half fill, you’ll get nothing accomplished. When you have a higher energy level, you’re able to work harder and get more done. Most of us run of little to no sleep, so ensure that you’ve had a good nights rest if you know you have a lot to do. 

3. Don’t Overcommit!!-  You’re most likely going to overestimate how much you can get done, so be realistic on how much you can accomplish. 

4. Remember to chillax-  When you’re trying to get something done, always make sure you take a 15 minute break to re-focus, and use this time to prevent yourself from having interruptions when you’re working. The key is to stick to your schedule, but take time to chill, and reboot yourself. 

5. Don’t focus on failure- Don’t look at the situation negatively, overcome that feeling of failing and not doing well. By doing so you’ll become more motivated, and able to accomplish more. 


Hope you enjoyed my post, be sure to follow my blog 🙂 



Look, Dress and act like Ariana Grande!

Hi all,

Hope you’re enjoying summer so far! Although I’ve been out for weeks, summer has already gone by so fast, so I’m hoping you’re enjoying your summer as much as I am.

With fall approaching, you might be wanting to spice up your wardrobe, and by doing so you might want some inspiration. I decided  that I’d post about someone who we all aspire to dress to ; Ariana Grande. Not only is Ariana a beautiful, talented, and hilarious actress, she also has a great style, that many girls my age love! Nevertheless, I’ve decided to post a blog on how to look like her. Hope you enjoy!

  • . The Hair! Ariana Grande is notorious for her signature red hair! However, achieving red hair is difficult and damaging, so make sure you consult it with your parents, or local hair salon. If you aren’t able to dye your hair red, you can dye Medium Brown-Dark Brown, which Ariana has been rocking more recently. Regarding how she styles it, she usually curls the ends of her hair, and puts it into a half pony tail. On other occasions, she puts it into a pony tail. Be sure to acessorize, and add lots of bows and scrunchies!
  •  Ariana’s Makeup is simple, yet playful. To achieve a look similar to hers follow these steps.
  1. Apply a light-medium BB cream, or mix your foundation and moistrurizer to insure it last longer. Once you’ve done this, apply concelare to anywhere where you may be breaking out, or experiencing redness. Followed by this apply a matte powder to ensure it stays on all day.
  2. Once you’re finished with that, apply a bronzer wherever you want some colour! If you want to achieve ariana’s flawless face, apply it to your cheekbones, following that blush in the same location.
  3. Regarding Grande’s eyes, she tends to keep it light an natural. Put on a gold/light brown eyeshadow on your eyelid, next put a darker shadow on your crease. If you’re feeling bold like Ariana, use a brown eye liner on your lid, and on your lash line. This defintley make sure your eyes POP! To finish off the eyes, apply a good mascara on your top and bottom eyelashes. Ariana believes that her eyelashes are the most important, so fake lashes may be helpful in achieving her look.
  4. To complete her look, apply a Fuchsia lipstick to your lips. And voila!
  •   Now that you know how to look and style like Ariana, you need to know how to dress like her as well. Grande, is notorious for her girly, fun style so this step is necesary! To achieve a look like hers, go for dresses. Perferably ones with bold colours, floral designs, and short. If you aren’t a dress person, no worries. She loves peplum, skinny dark washed jeans, and graphic hoodies. Ariana tends to wear heels, such as wedges, and statement shoes! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different kids!
  • Ariana is a beautiful girl, but what really captivates us is her “happy go lucky personality”. You can look and dress like Ariana, but her personality is really what differentiates herself from other so called celebrities. Remember to always be yourself, and to be kind to everyone you meet. This charm she brings is whats gotten her so far! 🙂

Hope you enjoyed my post, on looking like Ariana! I’ve included some links oh how to further look and dress like her, which includes her own makeup tutorial! Just remember to always be yourself, and bring your own style to the table!



Beach body :)

Hello everyone on wordpress!

Hope you’re all enjoying summer. As promised, I’ve decided to start posting more frequently, and with school out of the way, I’ll do just that!

Boy has the past few weeks been HECTIC. From last minute exams, to school ending, and having to say my goodbyes, I’ve been incredibly busy, and feeling so stressed.

Luckily now that I’m done school, I have more time to do things I enjoy ; Being on my blog, stalking Justin Bieber, watching marathons of criminal minds and spending quality with friends.

Now that summer has arrived I thought I’d post about eating tips, and how to stay healthy and fit. I say fit because while most other girls my age are attempting to become thin and achieve a “thigh gap”, I believe being fit is more important than thinness because it’ll help in retaining mobility, strength and balance in old age. And since summer is here and we want to wear out bathing suits and shorts, I thought there is no better time to post, than this. So hopefully you’ll enjoy, and follow these tips in staying active.


Common Myths about getting healthy, are that if you exercise, you’ll loose weight.

Sure exercising has a large part in that, but when you exercise you  become healthy, rather than thin. Teenage years are the most important, and by exercising it helps you transition into a healthy adult. Here are my favorite exercises you can do at home, that are great for a tween/teenage girl.


  • For achieving stronger arms…

a. Hold a Medicine  ball with your feet hip width apart, and step forward into a lunge with your right leg and lower your left leg into a 90 degree angle. Then rotate your torso right, return to center, then push back. Repeat to the center, push back, switch legs and repeat 20 times (10 each leg)

  • For stronger arms…..

a.Try power planking! Start by going into  the plank position. Rest on your right arm. While holding a 5LB dumbbell in your left hand, lift the dumbbell  so it’s infront of you, at shoulder level. Followed by that, raise the dumbbell up to the ceiling, while keeping your body in a straight line. Hold it up for a second, and bring it back to your shoulder level. Do it 20 times for each side.

  • For a flat tummy…

a. Attempt the super paddler. For this exercise, lie on your tummy with your arms and legs extented. You’re body will make a X when doing this. Lift your tummy up and bring your right arm and your left leg up. Hold for 15 seconds, then switch sides. Do this 20 times on each side.

Eating Healthy-

Instead of giving you a whole diet, I figured I’d give you some easy, but delicious snacks you can eat through the summer.

1. Try eating butter free popcorn, with low fat dark chocolate.

2. Peanut butter and a apple. Not only is it healthy, it’s delicious. Try swapping the peanut butter, for nutella.

3. Banana sundae! Peel a banana and top it with a few teaspoons of fat-free cool whip, two teaspoons of chocolate syrup, some nuts, and fresh fruit like blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries.

4.  A delicious trail mix! From cashews, to almonds, raisins to even chocolate chips, this trail mix will definitely be something you enjoy.



Hope you all enjoy this beach body post, and be sure to follow my blog!

Stay healthy.

Posting again!

Due to the fact I’ve been neglecting my blog, I thought I’d start posting more frequently again.

So Hello friends! Thank you for contiuning to follow me, despite the fact I’ve been inactive. With school, and other priorities I haven’t had the time to write on here, nor have I had the time to really do anything (i.e see friends, watch shows). So with summer approaching here’s to posting more frequently!

For today, I thought I’d post about a recent video I had watched. It had been sent to me by my mom, when I was having a frustrating day, and boy did it cheer me up. I won’t write much about it so I don’t spoil it for you, so I’ll let you watch it yourself. And I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.

This video opened my eyes, and showed me that no matter what your circumstances are, the limits are impossible. As long as you’re doing what you love, and not thinking about what may be holding you back, you’re able to achieve anything and everything. Phil Hansen is a true genius, and a definite inspiration.

Beat Summer Hair damage!

From the air-conditioning, to the sun, it’s no secret that by the end of summer your hair is going to be damaged. And when you’re busy on vacation, or running around on the beach odds are you’ll forget all about your hair! That’s why I’ve created some tips on how to take your hair from dull and dry, to looking fabulous and healthy. With these tips, your locks will definitely look their best. 


1. Replace the lost moisture-If your hair is feeling dry,I recommend  using an intense hydrating mask, once a week (no more than once a week, our you’ll experience product buildup). I enjoy using any of the milkshake products. They’re designed to to nourish your hair leaving it soft and shiny, and makes damaged hair manageable. 


2. Take an inch off, by getting your hair trimmed. The sun will most likely take away your hair’s natural oils, resulting into split ends and frizziness. To prevent cutting more off than needed, trim off anywhere from half an inch to even an inch. By doing so it’ll make your hair look better instantly. 

3. Only wash your hair when absolutely necessary- Shampooing your hair everyday washes out your natural oils, and doesn’t give them time to work their way down the hair shaft. You can shower everyday, but keep a cap on, to prevent shampooing it often. 


4. Whether your hair is wet or dry, brush it! Let your hair’s natural oils repair damaged strands: by regular brushing.


5. Absolutely no heat products-Okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit, but with the sun on your hair, adding heat will only make it worse. 


There is no escaping the sun, but if you follow these steps I guarantee you your hair will healthy for the September. And with these strategies, you can enjoy swimming, or just tanning on the beach without worrying about the harsh effects. 






Your up in front of your class about to begin a presentation. And all of a sudden your heart begins to beat a mile a minute. You’re sweating and your mouth is gradually getting dry. But why?

You may be experiencing nervousness. And the reason your feeling this is  because blood is getting pumped into your muscles. 

It’s a fact that people get nervous for various reasons. For example, I get nervous when presenting in front of my class, while others may be nervous when in a crowd of large people. That feeling of nervousness is often comes from the feeling of uncertainty, like trying something new. Everyone get’s nervous from time to time, and by doing something repeatedly, you learn that nothing awful is going to happen to you, and the nervousness gets better.

But, when you’re trying something new or doing a speech, it’s scary. And all though you know it’ll get better, you’re probably still feeling anxious.  Getting nervous can be a burden, and in some cases psych you out! So I though I’d create some tips to help you relax, when you’re in a situation where you’re feeling really anxious. These way works for me, and might not necessarily work for everyone, but everyone has there own way of coping. So just remember to have fun, and remember “Don’t sweat the small stuff…and it’s all small stuff.”

1. Take a deep breath. Relax. As long as you’re healthy, and happy nothing else matters. Try to think positive, and hope for the best. Think of the best case scenario. 

2. Write out a list of everything you’re nervous about. Once you’ve done that, you know what you’re afraid of, and you’ll realize you don’t need to be as worried after all.

3.Listen to music. Whether it’s fast, and gets you going, or slow and relaxes you, music is the best. After a long, and tiring day, plugging in your headphones and listening to your feel good music is the best. 

4. Look at photos that comfort you. For example, look at a picture of your pet! It’ll relax you, and make you forget about what your stressed about. 

5. Get fresh air. The fresh air will help you loosen up, and will help you think about just doing a great job. 


So hopefully you enjoyed my post, and just remember to slow down, and breath! (: 


Not posting as much.

I feel as if I’ve been neglecting my wordpress account, due to the fact I’ve had an overwhelming amount of homework this past week. Aside from that, I have been writing more privately in my diary.

Nevertheless, I’ve decided to post about my new favourite spring and summer trends! With Summer just around the corner, I though a post like this was in need. And despite the bitter weather we’ve been having, with Summer weather comes a new Summer wardrobe. So hopefully my post will inspire you to update your wardrobe.

1. Lace Shorts– This is my new favourite trends! I’ve recently bought a pair, and can’t get enough of them! This is my Go-to look, when I’m feeling lazy, and it really adds a “girly flare” to a boring look. It’s a great replacement from your classic jean shorts.

Get this look at – Urban Outfitters (Kimchi Blue Anthea Lace Tap Short)

2. Pastels– Now that the weather is gradually going to get warmer, spice up your look with a pastel piece. It’s feminine, and I believe it’s timeless. And it excuses girls to embrace their feminine side!

Get this look at- Brandy Melville (KIMIA KNIT)

3. 60’s style– Take a trip back to the sixties, with bold pops of colours! I believe this “retro trend” will make a triumph not only on the catwalks, but in stores as well.

Get this look at- Forever 21 (Dove Print Sleeveless Dress)

4. Rosy Lips– This is a flattering, simple look perfect for any girl. It adds a pop of colour, while still managing to be subtle.

Get this look at- Sephora (dior Addict Ultra Gloss- Vibrant Rosy Pink)

5. Flouncy Skirts– Trade those mini-skirts, for a long and knee length skirt! It’s cute, versatile, and more age appropriate.

Get this look at- Lulu’s (Flecks and the City Light Pink and Gold Skirt)

6.Layered Bracelets– The more the merrier! Piling on the bracelets makes a statement. I’ve been stocking up with bracelets from Brandy Melville, and just can’t get enough of this trend!

Get this look at- Topshop (Chain Spike Stone Bracelet)

7. Crossbody Bags– Being a teen, I don’t tend to bring lots with me. And carrying a big honking bag on the bus, isn’t easy. So this new trend, makes bring my few necessities, stylish whilst maintaining functional.

Get this look at- Target (Xhilaration® Key Item Crossbody – Coral)

8. Colourful Flats– Ditch your plain flats, for a pear of bright, fun flats! Every time I wear these, it always manages to add a certain “flash” to my basic neutral tons.

Get this look at- Nine West (FACINATE)

9.Graphic Tees– Graphic tees can turn a boring pair of jeans, from geek to chic! Not only is it adorable, it definitely shows off your personality. Pair it off with some high waisted shorts, or a blazer.

Get this look at- Urban Outfitters (Le Shirt Everyone Loves An English Girl Tee)

10. Bold Leggings- Try rocking a pair of Bold printed leggings. It’s a great way to spice up a dull look, without looking too wild.

Get this look at- Nasty Gal (Harlequin Chap Leggings)

Hope you all enjoyed my post, and remember to follow (:

Makeup and Hair for Lazy, Sick days!

With summer just around the conner, odds are you are going to be experiencing some allergies.

People often ask me, how I do my makeup, on days I’m feeling especially sluggish. Recently I’ve been getting over a nasty cold, tied in with some allergies, causing me not to look my best. If you are  like me, and would rather be home sleeping, watching the price is right, but are unable to take a sick day, looking good is essential. And  there is nothing worse than going to school or work looking like you belong on belong on a Claritin Commercial. Nevertheless, being sick inspired me to make a tutorial on how to do your makeup, when you don’t have the energy to do your makeup.


1. Keep hydrated! When you are sick or experiencing allergies , you’re most likely experiencing dehydrated skin. Drink a lot of water, to keep your skin glowing! Once you’ve done that, apply some moisturizer all over your face. Not only will it hydrate skin, it’ll make your makeup sit nicer.

2. If you’re experiencing a fever, and sweating like a pig, looking radiant is key! Apply some primer all over your face. It’ll keep your makeup lasting longer, and it’ll help reduce the appearance of fine lines and pores, making you have visibly softer skin!

3. Generally, applying moisturizer and primer will do the trick, but if you’re going for the extra “va-va-voom” look, try applying a light foundation, like a BB cream. My personal favourite is the  Garnier Skin Renew Miracle Skin Perfector BB Cream SPF 15. It doesn’t have the best coverage, but it is great and light for when your skin is dry, and you want don’t want to feel like you’re wearing too much.

4. Consider using a  face power to set the BB cream and reduce any shine left on your face from skin oils.

5. If you’re feeling pale, and lifeless try applying a light amount of blush. I personally enjoy “Nars-Orgasm”. It’s a universal cover, that I use for EVERY season. With Nars, I can just apply it, without using any shading. It really brings out my cheekbones.

6. From coughing, and sneezing all night your eyes may not look their best. Try applying cool tea bags or an ice cube wrapped in soft cloth to your eyes, or use my favourite method by applying some cucumbers on your eyes to ensure they look vibrant. Your eyes are going to be incredibly sensitive, and it has something to do with the blood vessels, they’re either being constricted or expanded by your lack of sleep. That being said, not applying much eye makeup is essential. Coughing and sneezing all day will smudge your makeup and make your look like a hot mess. But you can still look glamourous without being caked up in makeup. Begin to curl your eyelashes, to lift lashes and open up eyes. Once you’ve done that, grab a waterproof mascara. When I’m sick, I enjoy using Maybelline’s  “VOLUM’ EXPRESS® THE ROCKET™ WATERPROOF MASCARA”. It’s wonderful and volumizing and leaves zero clumps!

7. Finally for lips, a bright colour will go a long way. Adding a nice “pop”, will give colour to your face. If you’re struggling with the fact that your eyes don’t look lively, focussing attention on your lips will look great. I enjoy trying a colour similar to the blush I’ve chosen to use. It tends to look more natural.


Now that we’ve finished your makeup, doing your hair might be a bit of a challenge. If you’re not in the mood for curling, or straightening, but still want a glamorous look, try braiding your hair the night before. If you want an easier, summer look, try doing your hair in a topknot. It’s sleek and simple, and take less than 5 minutes to do.


So hopefully you’ve enjoyed my post! Be sure to like or follow me. Thanks for reading (: